Estefania Boutique Suites

Terms & Conditions


Through this text we make available to all users and clients the conditions of use and registration that apply to our online services platform and to the services we provide, reflecting in this all the rights and obligations that assist the parties.

All users who visit or access our platform and/or who use any of the services that we make available, accept the conditions of use and the privacy policy, as well as the different modifications and/or additional legal texts that are included in the future. If you do not agree with any of the conditions, you can unsubscribe from the service at any time or, if you are not a registered user, leave the platform.

Along with these conditions, each of the services provided may be regulated by conditions of use and registration of a particular nature, and it is mandatory in all cases that the user expressly accepts them before using and/or contracting.

User Registration & Access

Registration Procedure

Any user, as long as they are over 18 years old and have sufficient power to act in the name and representation of a third party, whether a natural or legal person, can register on our platform.

To do this, you must only access the form provided for this purpose, enter the requested data and accept the conditions of use and registration, as well as the privacy policy that will govern the relationship between the user and the provider.

Using the username and password entered during the registration process, the user will be able to access the platform to contract and manage their services and information, as well as complete their user profile.

Electronic Contracting of Services

Prior Information Applicable to Electronic Contracting

In accordance with the provisions of article 23 et seq. of Law 34/2002 on information society services and electronic commerce, contracts entered into electronically will produce all the effects provided for by the legal system, provided that the consent of both parties and this can be accredited.

For these purposes, it will be understood that the monitoring of all phases of the registration process and, where applicable, the payment of the corresponding financial amount, necessarily implies the provision of the express consent required for contracting the service.

Likewise, and in accordance with the provisions of article 27 of Law 34/2002 on information society services and electronic commerce, all information is made available to users prior to the start of the contracting procedure. the information related to it.

The contracting conditions indicated below are directly applicable to the contracting of all services made available through the web portal, unless expressly provided otherwise.

Contracting Procedure

The procedure for contracting services is carried out completely electronically through our platform, without there being at any time the physical presence of the parties and/or external physical transaction.

Any person with Internet access can carry out the contract, with the only prerequisite of having registered as a user, this being essential to be able to start the contracting procedure.

The phases of the contracting procedure are visible to users throughout the entire contracting procedure. 3 phases can be differentiated:

-Identificación del usuario.

-Selección del servicio y forma de pago.

-Confirmación del servicio.

The user only has to select the service they wish to purchase and press the purchase button provided for this purpose. In this way, the contracting procedure will begin, which will always follow the steps indicated above for all available services.

Once the service, the quantity, the applicable taxes, the total price and the means of payment have been selected, the platform will show the user a summary of the contract made, along with the applicable contract conditions, which in any case must be expressly accepted. by the user to be able to follow the contracting process.

Once the acceptance box of the contracting conditions has been checked, if any of the electronic means of payment has been selected as a payment method, the user will be directly redirected to the corresponding external payment platform to make the payment, without has the possibility of accessing the user's credit card data and/or payment systems at any time.The security of the payment procedure is guaranteed by the financial institution.

Once the contracting of the service is completed, a summary screen of the contracting made will be displayed.

If payment by credit card has been selected, this will be carried out through the bank's POS, a platform completely unrelated and independent of the provider.

The provider informs the user that all contracts made will be recorded in a file for the control and management of contracts, in which, along with the information on the contracted services, additional information will be reflected to guarantee security and evidence of correct execution. of the procedure.

Right of Withdrawal from Contracting

In accordance with the provisions of Royal Legislative Decree 1/2007, of November 16, which approves the consolidated text of the General Law for the Defense of Consumers and Users and other complementary laws, together with article 45 of According to Law 7/1996, on Retail Trade, the user has the right to withdraw from the contract during the period of Depending on the conditions of the contracted reservation, which is detailed in each reservation, . . from the moment the service has been contracted.

To exercise the right of withdrawal, the user must simply request it in writing to any of the addresses mentioned below, expressly indicating their request to exercise the right of withdrawal:

-Adress: Paseo Teneguia, Puerta L8B, Centro Comercial Arcade Playa de Las Americas 38660 (Santa Cruz De Tenerife)

-Email Adress:

In any case, it is up to the consumer and user to prove that they have exercised their right of withdrawal in accordance with the provisions of this chapter.Once the request to exercise the right of withdrawal is received, we will proceed to refund the financial amount paid (without in any case including the shipping and management costs that could have been paid initially) within a maximum period of 14 calendar days from the moment of receipt of the withdrawal and always through the means used to pay for the service, or failing that by bank transfer.

El ejercicio del derecho de desistimiento requiere en todo momento que el usuario no haya consumido o disfrutado de ninguno de los servicios contratados. En caso de que hubiera consumido alguno de dichos servicios, no será posible ejercer el derecho de desistimiento.

User Obligations

Warranties & Responsibilities

We are deeply committed to ensuring that our services function correctly and in accordance with the conditions agreed with our users. However, sometimes situations may arise, especially due to the intervention of ill-intentioned third parties, that could lead to liability.

In this sense, below we indicate those situations in which we are not responsible for the actions of users, with users assuming all derived responsibilities:

The services made available and marketed through are provided by third-party companies completely independent of the provider. For this reason, is not responsible in the event of specific failures in the continuity of the service or, where appropriate, the lack of specific availability of the same.

In the event that the services contracted by the user are not available for a period of more than 72 hours from the moment of notification of the incident, the user is entitled to request the provider to terminate this contract and return the the economic amounts corresponding to the services not enjoyed, which will be duly reimbursed through the same means that the initial payment would have been made or, where appropriate, by bank transfer.

In the event that any of the content accessible through the platform is contrary to current regulations, we undertake to proceed with its immediate removal as soon as we become aware of and corroborate the facts.

Intellectual & Industrial Property Rights

At we are deeply committed to the protection of intellectual property rights. That is why we have established the following conditions and policies:

Relating to the Online Platform

The provider guarantees the user that he is the legitimate owner of the platform and that it is not immersed in any type of legal dispute prior to signing this contract.

The user expressly acknowledges that the provider holds all right, title and interest over the platform and the computer developments associated with the service, as well as over all its modules, modifications and updates and over any element and/or functionality that was developed on it, regardless of whether this has been requested by the user or not. For these purposes, it includes, without limitation, the recognition of the ownership of the provider of all copyright, intellectual and/or industrial property rights, being able to exploit the platform, without any restriction of a temporal or territorial nature, related to media. dissemination or modalities of exploitation and without more limitations than those established in the laws.

The structure, characteristics, codes, work methods, information systems and their exchange, development tools, know-how, methodologies, processes, technologies or algorithms that constitute and/or may constitute the platform, are the exclusive property of the provider. , being duly protected by national and international intellectual and/or industrial property laws, and cannot be subject to further modification, copy, alteration, reproduction, adaptation or translation by the user, without the prior express consent of the user. lender.

Likewise, all user manuals, texts, graphic drawings, databases that complement the platform and/or the materials associated with it, are the property of the provider, and cannot be subject to further modification, copy, alteration, reproduction, adaptation or translation by the user. The making available in service mode of the platform or mere access by the user does not imply, in any case, the transfer of ownership, nor the granting of a right of use in favor of the user other than that expressed in these conditions.

In order for the user to be able to use the platform, the exclusive property of the provider, the latter transfers, under this contract, a non-exclusive use license to the user, with a temporal scope limited to each connection period, with a spatial scope. unlimited to the extent that it can be accessed from any computer with Internet, non-transferable, revocable and non-sublicensable.

In any case, any type of reproduction, imitation, transmission, translation, modification, creation of a derivative work and/or public communication is absolutely prohibited, regardless of the medium used for it, otherwise the offending user will assume all direct or indirect responsibilities. derivatives that could occur.

For any aspect that is not expressly recognized in this contract, all rights will be understood to be reserved in favor of the provider, with written authorization from the provider being necessary to carry it out.

Relating to User Content & Information

All content and information published or managed by users on the platform are the exclusive property of the user, with being a mere information society service provider in charge of data storage.

El prestador no recibe ningún tipo de derecho de propiedad intelectual por el hecho de que el usuario los aloje o gestione en su plataforma, por lo que en ningún caso podrá tratarlos para fines diferentes a los directamente relacionados con la prestación de los servicios efectivamente contratados.

Confidentiality & Data Protection

In accordance with the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council, of April 27, 2016, regarding the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and the free movement of These, all personal data provided during the use of the platform and during the provision of services will be treated in accordance with the provisions of the Privacy Policy, which every user must expressly accept in advance in order to register.

Every user who accepts these conditions of use, accepts in an informed, express and unequivocal manner our Privacy Policy, assisting them in this sense with the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition with respect to their personal data, and may exercise them as reported. in the aforementioned Privacy Policy.

Time Conditions

These conditions will come into force on the date of contracting the service.

Those services that are consumer services and that are contracted in packages or promotions may have a determined and specific duration less than that indicated, which in any case will be shown before proceeding with the contract.

Economic Conditions

The rates applicable to each of the services offered through the platform will be solely and exclusively those that are published on the online platform, these being the only valid ones, except for typographical or transcription errors, in which case the provider undertakes to to modify them immediately.

If the payment method is by direct debit, the user expressly accepts that the provider periodically makes the corresponding financial charges to the user's bank account within the indicated periods.

The provider reserves the right to cancel contracts made within a period of 7 days from the moment of completion if it detects the existence of typographical or transcription errors in the price and/or taxes applied to the transaction.

The provider reserves the right to make any type of modification to the rates of each service, and undertakes to publish them on the platform visibly for users. Unless otherwise provided, the modification of rates will not be retroactive.

All contracted services will be duly invoiced and paid prior to the provision of services or in arrears, depending on the contracting method used.

The financial amounts may only be paid by direct debit or credit card, and at no time will the provider have access to any bank or credit card information.

All rates will be increased by the amount corresponding to the taxes in force on the date the invoice is issued, being duly reflected in the summary of each purchase.

Termination of Contract

This contract may be terminated whenever any of the following circumstances occur:

Likewise, for the contract to be fully terminated, the user must pay all those financial amounts that remain outstanding, without the possibility of full termination without compliance with this obligation considered essential.

In the event that the contract is terminated unilaterally by the user, without duly proven and justified cause, the user waives any type of claim for the financial amounts paid to date.

Extrajudicial Dispute Resolution

Likewise, in the terms set out in article 14 of EU Regulation 524/2013, on consumer dispute resolution, a direct link is provided to the online dispute resolution platform: https://ec.europa .eu/consumers/odr/main/index.cfm

Applicable Law & Jurisdiction

For any controversy or conflict that may arise, derived from these terms or conditions, Spanish Law will apply. The resolution of judicial conflicts will be subject to the jurisdiction of the Courts and Tribunals of the user's or client's domicile.